Sunday, February 28, 2010

Five months into it and we are still goin' strong

Hello all to family and friends! Sorry I have been lacking on my responsibility of blogging on behalf of heidi but better late than never! :) So the latest with hermana browning, well she has had a successful first few months in LA. She is loving every minute of it! The visitors center will open hopefully she says in April, so for now she is loving getting to know the people and seeing all that california has to offer! She always writes us saying, well ya know it is february and 80 degrees outside, while we sit at our 32 degree weather if we are lucky. She is really blessed in the area she is at. The language so we hear is coming well. She does not write in spanish so we just take her word for it. Her companions name is Hermana Thompson, she is from Alaska and heidi says they get along great! It is so hard to believe she has been gone for almost six months as she left i think that our family was most worried that time would drag on, when the exact opposite happened. We don't know where these past five and a half months have gone! Christmas we got the oppurtunity to talk to her twice. She actually left for LA on the 23 of december so she got to call from the airport for about thirty minutes and then on christmas day, which was such an awesome expierence. She sounds so happy and so full of surety that, that is where the lord wants her to be which is very comforting for her family! Heidi is again doing wonderful! She loves LA and the people, She usually emails on mondays so if you would like me to forward her email just put your email on here and i will add you to the list.

Love the Browning Clan

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

We made it a week!

Well she has been gone a whole week! We have received two letters and one email! She loves it there she see's tons of people she knows from BYU-I and also a couple of local kids from around here which she says really helps to comfort her! In her last letter she said she was feeling really sick with a sore throat but she says not to worry they are making sure she is getting alot of rest! Well sorry to cut this one short but not much to say just remember her in your prayers! Love the messenger!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

She left!

Well today at exactly 2:00 pm Heidi left the Browning home as Sister Browning! We are so excited for her and we know the lord will bless her for doing this work! We are also very proud and are going to do our best to keep everyone updated; please remember her in your prayers!!!
Love the messenger AKA: Staci :)

Saturday, September 26, 2009


Alright, so there is only 18 more days until I leave..I know it's so crazy! It feels like it was just yesterday that I was complaining that I had only been home for a week and now here I am freaking out because I leave in less than three weeks. UNBELIEVABLE!!! Although, right now I am feeling about every single emotion in the book! But one feeling that I don't seem to be able to put aside is how grateful I am for the good people in my life. I really could not be preparing for this mission by myself. I know for a fact that there is NO WAY I could. SO many people have been stepping up to the plate and just being amazing! When I got my call I looked at the date and knew that there was going to be no way that I was going to be ready in time. I thought about taking a job at a local gas station on the nights and weekends just to help me get ready, but then help just started coming in! So this is just a little note that I wanted to write for all of you who have helped me so much! Thank you! You truly are such amazing examples. You've helped me learn of new goals that I am going to try and aspire for myself!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Today was the day!!!

So, here is how my day went down...
-woke up @ 7 am
-thought maybe I should go back to bed because I knew that it was going to be a long day
-didn't go back to sleep
- got ready for the day
-sat on the porch and waited for the mail to come 
-mail comes @ 9 a.m.
-I see the mail with the big white envelope
-I run to the mailbox, open it and there my Mission call sat!!
-I hurried and called everyone to tell them that they were invited to come at 12:30 to open it
-Went to work...worth NOTHING...too anxious
-12:20 I get home and some of my family is there waiting for me!
-12:30 most of the family is there! & the ripping of the envelope begins!
-12:31 I know where I am going, but crying too hard to tell the rest of my family so they have to wait for me to settle down

Oh my gosh...I can't believe to tell you how absolutely perfect this mission is for me!  I really wanted to learn a language like spanish, and I was really praying to go to a temple mission!  My friend Craig liked to call is a cush cush mission because people are coming to me instead of me finding them, but I don't really care...just as long as I get to teach, I am not going to complain.  I can already promise you that this will be the best 18 months that I will every live.  

So during the period of my mission my mother is going to be updating my blog and putting my mission emails on here...Much love and LA HERE I COME!!!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Only one week?

So I cannot believe that I have been home for only a week! It seems like it has been much much longer. My sisters just got finished with their 4-H project and I have been working and getting ready for my Aunt Terrie to come from Rhode Island..and I am watiing for my mission call. Hopefully, it'll come in the mail this week. I call all the members of my family and had them all guess where I am going. Most of them are guessing Brazil and Europe. It'll be interesting to see where I am going.

So my sisters just got finished with their 4-H projects, which is dairy calves. They all showed well, but did sell as well as they have in the past. Hopefully next year will be better!!! I remember taking my cow into the fair, to be honest it's one of the easiest dollars you can make, but it also really is a great learning and growing experience.

Work has been pretty good. I have really missed some of the people that I work with and I have really missed some of the kids. They are all such sweet kids. I cannot express how blessed I feel to be working with them. I mean sure, sometimes you wanna pull your hair out, but I mean if you honestly think about our life in the pre existence and how close they must have been to God, and that they are sent to this earth without ever having to worry about being tempted by the adversary, I feel so blessed. They are so precious to our Father in Heaven and I get to work with them and get to know them and grow to love them. I really cannot explain this, except to say I am very blessed!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

SO Complicated!

Alright folks, I have jumped on the bandwagon and have gotten a blog; but it is one of the toughest things to figure out. Although, this is something that I am excited about this! So right now I am spending my last night here in Rexburg for a really long time. I turn my mission papers in this Sunday and then should be expecting my call within a couple of weeks. I am so excited! I can't imagine how much my life will change, and to completly give all my efforts to my Heavenly Father!

So like I mentioned I am not coming back to Rexburg for a couple years, and I have to say that I am having mixed feelings about it all. It's like reading a book, you really loved the last chapter, but you are totally looking forward to the next and can't wait for it to all begin; but you will never forget the last chapter. I have made some super good friends this semester and some sweet people that have really influenced my life. I imagine us all being friends for a very long time. Good times and some great memories were made, but right now the Lord has a little different route for me to take, and it's such a small sacrifice for me to make, so small I almost feel guilty even calling it a sacrifice. Many blessings are going to come from this change!

Well, I am now going to go and hang out with some of those fanastic people that I was just writing about, and go crazy here in Rexburg, for the last time for a long time! Peace!