Thursday, July 23, 2009

SO Complicated!

Alright folks, I have jumped on the bandwagon and have gotten a blog; but it is one of the toughest things to figure out. Although, this is something that I am excited about this! So right now I am spending my last night here in Rexburg for a really long time. I turn my mission papers in this Sunday and then should be expecting my call within a couple of weeks. I am so excited! I can't imagine how much my life will change, and to completly give all my efforts to my Heavenly Father!

So like I mentioned I am not coming back to Rexburg for a couple years, and I have to say that I am having mixed feelings about it all. It's like reading a book, you really loved the last chapter, but you are totally looking forward to the next and can't wait for it to all begin; but you will never forget the last chapter. I have made some super good friends this semester and some sweet people that have really influenced my life. I imagine us all being friends for a very long time. Good times and some great memories were made, but right now the Lord has a little different route for me to take, and it's such a small sacrifice for me to make, so small I almost feel guilty even calling it a sacrifice. Many blessings are going to come from this change!

Well, I am now going to go and hang out with some of those fanastic people that I was just writing about, and go crazy here in Rexburg, for the last time for a long time! Peace!

1 comment:

  1. Well it looks like you already have the blogging thing down, your blog is so cute! Oh my goodness I had no idea you are going on a mission--that is so awesome!!! I can't wait to hear where you are going! You are going to be the best missionary! i love you girl and hope you are having a blast in Rexburg for the next little bit!
