Saturday, September 26, 2009


Alright, so there is only 18 more days until I leave..I know it's so crazy! It feels like it was just yesterday that I was complaining that I had only been home for a week and now here I am freaking out because I leave in less than three weeks. UNBELIEVABLE!!! Although, right now I am feeling about every single emotion in the book! But one feeling that I don't seem to be able to put aside is how grateful I am for the good people in my life. I really could not be preparing for this mission by myself. I know for a fact that there is NO WAY I could. SO many people have been stepping up to the plate and just being amazing! When I got my call I looked at the date and knew that there was going to be no way that I was going to be ready in time. I thought about taking a job at a local gas station on the nights and weekends just to help me get ready, but then help just started coming in! So this is just a little note that I wanted to write for all of you who have helped me so much! Thank you! You truly are such amazing examples. You've helped me learn of new goals that I am going to try and aspire for myself!